
Admin Users have the privilege of viewing the status of their instance users. This comprehensive visibility empowers Admin Users to monitor the activity and availability of users within their instance, facilitating efficient management of resources and workflows.

The Live Status feature provides real-time visibility into the online presence of users within the platform. When users log in to their tally, whether through remote login or HTML login, they can view their current status—indicating whether they are online or offline.

For users logging into their tally, this feature offers instant insight into their own online status. It allows them to gauge their availability within the platform and ensure seamless communication with colleagues.

🎉 Congratulations! You’ve Successfully Mastered Live Status! 🎉

Welcome to a new level of efficiency in monitoring your online presence! Your understanding of live status tracking is now top-notch, and you’re ready to utilize this feature with ease.

Let’s Put Your Skills to Work!

Start checking your live status effortlessly and unlock the full potential of real-time visibility within our platform. Whether you’re logging in via HTML or remote access, you’re equipped to stay informed about your online and offline status.

Should you require any assistance, our support team is standing by to assist you every step of the way.

Congratulations again, and here’s to seamless live status tracking ahead!