
Audit Logs provide a deeper level of insight into the administrative actions performed within the system. Admin Users can track a wide range of activities, ensuring full accountability and traceability.

Audit Logs Key Features

  • User Creation: Log entries detailing when new users are created, along with relevant details.

  • User Detail Updates: Records of any updates made to user details, ensuring that changes are documented.

  • User Deletion: Logs that capture instances of user deletions, maintaining a history of removed accounts.

  • Instance Name Changes: Documentation of any changes made to the instance name, ensuring that all modifications are tracked.

  • Tally Version Changes: Records of Tally version updates, providing a history of version control within the system.

  • Additional Activities: Comprehensive logs of other administrative actions, ensuring that all critical activities are monitored and recorded.

🎉 Congratulations! You’ve Successfully Mastered Audit Logs! 🎉

Welcome to a new level of administrative activity tracking efficiency! Your understanding of audit logs is now top-notch, and you’re ready to navigate administrative actions with ease.

Let’s Put Your Skills to Work!

Start exploring audit logs effortlessly and unlock the full potential of administrative activity tracking within our platform. Whether it’s monitoring user creation, updates, or deletions, you’re equipped to handle it all.

Should you require any assistance, our support team is standing by to assist you every step of the way.

Congratulations again, and here’s to seamless administrative activity tracking ahead!